Research Design

Fall semester 2024 (Sept-Oct)
Tue PM, Puerta de Toledo, 2.A.04
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Prof: Francisco Villamil
Office 18.2.A34 (Getafe)

Slides & readings
Assignments (Aula Global)

Research Design for the Social Sciences

MA in Computational Social Science, UC3M


Schedule 2024

Date and time Topic Slides Reading
Sept 10 No class    
Sept 17 (18h-21h) Introduction to Research Design [link]
Sept 24 (18h-21h) Elements of quantitative data [link]
Oct 1 (18h-21h) Causality [link]
Oct 8 (18h-21h) Methods of causal inference [link]
Oct 15 (18h-21h) Advanced topics and overview  
Oct 22 (15h-21h) Workshop (double session)